Tactical Training
The Minutemen of society have always been known for having a vast set of skills, in a wide range of applications. This includes being mentally and physically ready for warfare; especially the spiritual warfare we all face daily. This requires men and women to embrace the 2nd Amendment and take up arms when it is absolutely necessary. We, as Buckingham Minutemen, will train and practice tactical operations so that we can be as proficient as possible. These tactics can be applied whether its a natural or man made disaster, search and rescue mission, or one of many other circumstances. We will have a variety of training experience ranging from self-taught individuals to highly experienced operators. These training exercises will mostly involve Level 1 members with the help of Level 2 members on occasion.
Again, we reiterate any criminal activity will not be tolerated and will cause that individual, and possibly others, to be removed and blacklisted from our organization.